NYC is the place to be for our latest Live Free trip! We spent our sixth outing of 2024 in the city that never sleeps getting the scoop on all the best spots for a jam-packed, two day trip. 🍎
We had a top-notch tour guide in Pura Vida’s former social media specialist, Jac, and were joined by three more of our faves: Kam, Emma, and Brenan. Jac just made her move to New York six months ago and she was kind enough to show us the seven stops she swears by after settling into the city. 🗽

Our weekend starts the way all the best New York mornings do: with bagels! 🥯 Year after year, New York and the surrounding Northeast regions are revered for having the best bagels in the nation -- in fact, NYC is home to 8 of the top 10 shops ranked by USA Today.
So, naturally, there's no way our itinerary would have been complete without a delicious pit stop. We set out to Pop Up Bagels, a viral shop in downtown Manhattan known for their scoopable schmears and always-fresh recipes, with several locations spanned across the NYC metro area. Once secured, we made our way over to Washington Park to enjoy and get some sun before taking on the rest of our itinerary.

The next day, we rounded out a bustling two day trip with a subway ride up to the Bronx for a ballgame at the legendary Yankee Stadium. The weather was unpredictable but that didn't dampen our day celebrating a Yankees win. ⚾️